Changes in publications options as well as motivating attendees beyond just authors has suggested that we revise our conference and other event registration processes.  The process is now changed into a 2 step process.

  • Every paper has a “paper acceptance” fee that must be paid.
  • Then there is an attendee registration. It is an IEEE requirement that every accepted paper must be presented, usually by one of the authors, and this person must register as an attendee. That fee depends on the individual and their status in the IEEE.

This process allows for new publications processes and encourages attendance from other researchers and industry to the conference and Industry Forum.  Attendance has an additional benefit TEMS members.  There is an “Early Bird” registration as well as a “Late” registration for each category.

Paper Acceptance Fee – every accepted paper must pay an acceptance fee to address publication expenses which has options depending on the desires of the author.   This is typically done for the presenter of the paper.

  • Standard Xplore fee is US$250.

To be published in either option this fee must be paid for each paper.

Standard Xplore fee is US$250 Paper processing fee steps

Attendee Registrationone attendee registration is required for each paper.  Also additional authors, students, researchers, Industry Forum attendees and any other attendees.  The categories depend on the individual status within IEEE.

IEEE Status Early Bird Registration Late Registration
IEEE TEMS member $250 $275
IEEE member (not TEMS) $270 $300
IEEE Life member $100 $150
Non-member $350 $500
IEEE Student $100 $180
Student (non-member) $175 $250
  • TEMS member – For an attendee who is an IEEE TEMS member, which has the lowest rate.
  • IEEE member – An attendee who is an IEEE member but is NOT also a TEMS member.
  • IEEE Life Member – an attendee who is an IEEE life member.
  • Non-member – For an attendee who is not IEEE member.
  • Student IEEE member – the lowest rate for a student that is an IEEE member.
  • Student member – a student who is not an IEEE member/

Just for clarification here is the same table that includes the paper processing fee as well as the registration fees. This table is below.

IEEE Status Early Bird Registration Late Registration
IEEE TEMS member $500 $525
IEEE member (not TEMS) $520 $550
IEEE Life member $350 $400
Non-member $600 $750
IEEE Student $350 $430
Student (non-member) $425 $500

Additional Functions – there is generally a charge for additional guests for social activities, like reception and dinner, to cover the costs of these functions. Any attendee registration includes these functions but this is for additional guests (like spouses).

Registration is done at


Paper Acceptance Fee – one author of every accepted paper is required to pay a PAPER ACCEPTANCE FEE of US $ 250.00.

This fee is required to address publication expenses. 


Select Event:         PAF

Code to be used for Paper Acceptance  Fee payment:       PAF-ISIE2019