Stephen Ibaraki / Chairman, Managing General Partner, REDDS Capital

Stephen Ibaraki, Chairman, Managing General Partner, REDDS Capital

Stephen Ibaraki, founder of the United Nations ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for Good Global Summit and financial industry’s Fintech Ideas Festival (both ranked No.1), shares his deep experiences as forward thinking entrepreneur, tech guru, and venture capitalist. In high demand with more than 100 global engagements in 2019, Stephen keynoted at the annual CEO YPO Edge Conference this year (YPO: 27K CEOs, $9 Trillion annual revenue), shared his futurist insights at multiple session at SxSW in March 2019; keynoted at AI Vienna and Kingfomarket 2019 Barcelona in May. Stephen brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to IEEE-TEMSCON as he discusses the future trends as disruptive technologies dominate the world significantly impacting society, research, academia, education, governments, and industry. Stephen will discuss the rapid evolution of disruptive innovations, “Life and the Enterprise of the Future – Unlimited X Global Revolution from the 5th Machine Age: Investments, Challenges, Opportunities and Frontier Digital Transformations.” All sectors are at historical global inflections points and changed by this worldwide disruption and especially by AI and growing usage of blockchain. What does this all mean?

Stephen Ibaraki is Chairman, Managing General Partner REDDS Capital; globally unique with concurrent Chairman, Founder, Board roles in: Business/finance, successful serial Entrepreneurship, no.1 computing Science organizations, no. 1 UN innovation, top Industry-organizations/think tanks, no.1 Summits. 100+ global engagements guiding $10+ Trillion in investments.

A sampling of Stephen Ibaraki’s 150+ positions/recognitions include: Practitioner Board Association for Computing Machinery current past chair; founding chair Global Industry Council and vice-chair board IP3 International Federation for Information Processing; writer IDG-IT World (Canada) and Forbes; founder technology advisory board, Yintech Investment Holdings Ltd. (NASDAQ); founding member Beyond Initiative (VW/Audi Think Tank); founding chairman outreach UN ITU “ICT Discovery” Journal; founder, program committee, founding chairman outreach UN ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for Good Global Summit; founding member Steering Committee AI Pioneers; vice-chair WHO/ITU Focus Group AI for Health; founding chairman Technology Advisory Council Financial Services Roundtable (now Bank Policy Institute) FinTech Ideas Festival 2017 (2019) (200 CEOs/Execs, FSR: $92.7 trillion assets); founding chair advisory board Digital Africa; board member IEEE Computer Society; 2006-2019 Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Awards; Fellow awards; … more as CIPS Fellow:” LinkedIn: